University Hospital Step Increase Update - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

University Hospital Step Increase Update

HPAE was recently advised by Eva Serruto (Director Labor Relations) that the step increases outlined in the September 30, 2016 arbitration settlement will be processed in the 7/14/17 pay check.  As a result of an arbitration filed in 2012, every Staff Nurse on Scale B will be placed on the proper step based on their calculated years of accrued experience in accordance with the guidelines in our contract. Furthermore, any retroactive monies owed related to the step increases will be processed in the near future.

In addition, every Staff Nurse on Scale B will receive written notification from University Hospital detailing your credited years of accrued experience as well as your date of hire. In the event that a discrepancy is found with management’s calculated years of accrued experience, you will have thirty (30) days from notification to report any errors to management.

We will continue to provide information as it develops however, please feel free to contact your local union rep or call HPAE Staff Rep, Dawn Baker at 201-262-5005 ext. 418.