Local 5004 Fianancial Planning Conference - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5004 Fianancial Planning Conference

Retirement planning begins when you enter the workforce.  Statistics show that very few people thought of and/or even made plans for retirement. With the uncertainty of changes to Social Security and Medicare looming in the future, increasing costs of healthcare and reductions in pension plans, the need to have a well-planned and effective retirement plan is essential.

This conference is for everyone, not just those members who will be retiring in a few short years.

The registration fee is $25 which will be refunded if you attend.

Please RSVP by Monday, May 27.

You can sign-up here.


Registration & Continental Breakfast – 8:30 am


Michael Kay, CFP

  • Framework to develop a secure & sustainable retirement plan
  • Financial considerations in planning
  • Your Money Life: Putting it all together

Michael Slott, Ed Director
Trustee- Retiree Medical Trust

  • Benefits overview
  • How to monitor benefits
  • How benefits are collected
  • How to access the website

Lunch 1:00 pm to 2 pm