HPAE Local 5089 & Local 5094 Membership Update and Survey - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

HPAE Local 5089 & Local 5094 Membership Update and Survey

As you know, both Rutgers 5089 and 5094 contracts expire on June 30, 2022. The University approached HPAE locals 5089 and 5094, and other Rutgers unions, with a proposal for a 2-year contract extension that includes a nominal wage increase.

Please take 5 minutes to complete this short survey so we can hear from you regarding a contract extension: https://bit.ly/hpaeext2021

You may know that we coordinate with the Coalition of Rutgers Unions “CRU” and we have a common contract expiration with the most of the CRU unions. CRU includes the professors in the professors’ union AAUP, and the medical residents in the Committee of Interns and Residents, among others. Last week with CRU we proposed to Rutgers a one-year extension with a progressive wage increase, job security, and guidelines on moving forward in future negotiations more efficiently (more frequent sessions that last longer, etc.). Rutgers Administration has yet to respond to our proposal.

We met with them again on Monday. They continue to stall with a counterproposal while also saying they would like to move forward with a contract extension. HPAE along with CRU informed Rutgers that there is no time for any delay tactics and we need to reach an agreement in a reasonable amount of time or plan for full contract negotiations. We demanded another session prior to the end of the week and before the Thanksgiving holiday.

To move our membership forward, we drafted a short contract extension survey to hear from you and your opinion on a contract extension.
You can view the survey here. https://bit.ly/hpaeext2021.

We need to stand strong as one HPAE as we enter into bargaining with Rutgers for our contract. Your opinions are vital to our continued unity and solidarity. We encourage everyone to complete the survey as we work to secure our benefits and protections moving forward.

As always, please reach out to your local union representative or local officer with any questions or concerns.

In solidarity,

Sabrina Brown-Oliver, Vice President, HPAE Local 5089
Ryan Novosielski, Co-President, HPAE Local 5094
Justin O’Hea, Co-President, HPAE Local 5094