Local 5094 Special Election: Candidate Statements - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5094 Special Election: Candidate Statements

Below are candidate statement which were submitted to the Nomination and Election Committee under the guidelines of the Local 5094 Local Election Rules established at the start of the election.

Submission of statement was optional and required to be under 500 words.  This is being shared with you for informational purposes and in no means support of any specific candidate.  They are listed in alphabetical order of candidate’s last name.

Lisa Adams, MPA

My name is Lisa Adams, and I have been a proud member of our Union since 2013. I started as a Union Representative in Newark and am currently the Co-Grievance Chair for the Central and South Campuses. I am honored to announce my candidacy for Co-President and share my vision for our collective future.

My Vision:

  1. Advocacy and Representation: We must ensure that every member’s voice is heard and valued. I will work to enhance our representation at every level, advocating for fair treatment, competitive wages, and improved working conditions. Our strength lies in our solidarity, and I will prioritize ensuring that our collective needs are met.
  2. Transparency and Communication: Open, honest communication is the foundation of any successful organization. I will work to build a more inclusive and transparent union where decisions are made with your input and best interests in mind.
  3. Enhancing Community and Solidarity: Building a strong sense of community within our union is essential. I plan to organize events and activities that foster camaraderie and solidarity, strengthening our network and making our collective voice even more powerful.

With your support, I am confident that we can achieve these goals and continue to advance our shared mission. Together, we will navigate the complexities of our work environment and emerge stronger, united, and empowered.

Thank you for considering me as your Co-President. I am eager to bring my passion, dedication, and leadership to serve our local. I look forward to collaborating with you to build a brighter future for our local.

Casandra Gabriele

As a candidate for Union Co-President, my focus is on expanding membership and strengthening educational opportunities for all members. Having been in a union job since 2007, first as a biology teacher in the NJ public school system, I wasn’t initially engaged in union activities. After joining HPAE 5094 at Rutgers in 2014, I immediately became a more active member. First, I attended the membership meetings seeking to understand what it means to be part of the union. Listening to the daily challenges of co-workers inspired me to step up as a union representative for my department. I began to learn that we are the union; it isn’t some magical place or person that is “taking care” of things, but it requires us to be engaged, us to push back, us to enforce the contract that was negotiated. In April 2023, I joined the local executive board as Co-Secretary, sat on the committee of both membership and research, and continued to learn union responsibility, while helping to bring members together through education and information sessions.

Throughout every meeting, every conversation with members, and each negotiation with management, it became clear to me: to be heard, we must first be informed. My leadership will prioritize empowering members through knowledge and collective action.

As part of the Local Executive Board:

  • Prepared and facilitated online learning communities HPAE local 5094 Training: Know Your Rights! Meeting every other month
  • Coordinated and hosting 3 socials for our local members this summer
  • Facilitated Know Your Contract Series
  • Participated in over 20 New Hire Welcome Orientations
  • Disseminated the Research Committee’s outreach survey representing researchers throughout the disciplines

**Membership Growth**

I will prioritize outreach efforts to increase union membership, ensuring we build a stronger, more unified workforce. Growing our membership enhances our collective bargaining power and strengthens our voice in advocating for better working conditions, wages, and benefits.

**Educational Opportunities**

I am committed to expanding access to professional development and educational programs that equip our members with the skills and knowledge needed to advance in their careers. I will work to create training initiatives, workshops, and resources that foster continuous growth and prepare us for future workplace challenges. By focusing on membership expansion and education, we can empower our union to be a more formidable force, ready to advocate for every member’s rights and future success.

My journey from an uninvolved union member to a dedicated advocate has shown me the importance of standing together, informed and united. With your support, I will lead our union toward greater growth, stronger education, and a future where every member’s voice is heard.