Local 5103 Project Impact Update - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5103 Project Impact Update

I wanted to take a moment to update you on the implementation of Project Impact and the ongoing effects bargaining around it.

We have met with management multiple times over the past few months to bargain the changes that come with the implementation of Project Impact and their stance has remained unchanged throughout the entire process. They continue to maintain that there is zero change to our job description, expectations and the work that comes with it. This is what they use to justify the lack of any substantive monetary increase that should come with the added responsibilities of a Project Impact drive. They also maintain that they continue to schedule drives appropriately and do not see any issue in that regard. Even though we have consistently expressed the issues that all of us are encountering both on mobiles as well as at fixed sites (Judy recently found notes from a Labor Management Meeting in 2004 where we discussed overscheduled/understaffed drives.) In fact, during our last meeting with management, their response to this issue was a condescending statement that they will continue to schedule 140% of our donor capacity and that three person drives are not planned in this Region even though it is a National standard (said in a tone to infer that they are doing us a favor.)

At this time, we have not reached an official agreement and all parties have agreed to meet again on October 16th to continue working towards an agreement. Throughout bargaining, we have made it known that besides a wage increase, the most important thing is to put guardrails on Project Impact so that we can adequately protect ALL of our members, not just CSIIs. Management has rejected these proposals at every turn and it seems apparent that Management’s goal is to continue with business as usual: understaffing drives, over scheduling donors and telling us to “make it work.”

On Thursday, September 19th, 2024, we met with Management once more after reasserting our last proposal via email and informing them that we have made considerable movement throughout the bargaining process while they have ignored all of our concerns and have made zero movement. As stated above both parties intend to regroup on October 16th to work towards a common goal.

The here and now: On Monday, September 23, 2024 the company plans to implement Project Impact. It is the Union’s position that we are still operating under the prior CSII agreement. With that said, please report any drives where a CSII is performing the Drive Lead role on any drive with a total procedural goal of 36 or more to a member of the Local Executive Board. Also, please notify of us of any issues at drives as well as any examples of your Management team not working with staff day of drive to resolve drive issues. We need to have these examples to show Management the need for our contract language.

I have also heard of multiple instances where a CSII’s manager informed them that there is a wage increase tied to the implementation of Project Impact. As stated above, there is no substantive wage increase attached to Project Impact. I cannot stress this enough, the Management team, as a whole, does not have your best interest in heart or mind. The only group that does is your Union.

We need to begin fighting for our rights in the workplace and that starts with every single member of this Local.

While this may be the “CSII Agreement” the implications of this agreement affect all of us. Now is the time to stand firmly, together as one and fight for safe working conditions. In the coming days we will be scheduling a membership meeting and putting together a petition to present to management. I hope all of you will answer the call when it goes out.

Always in Solidarity with my Brothers and Sisters,

Timothy Posser
Co-President HPAE Local 5103