Local 5107 UMC Union Update- Stand With Rhonda! - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5107 UMC Union Update- Stand With Rhonda!

Rhonda Hofstrom, an 18-year employee of UMC-Pitman and outspoken Union leader was terminated this week on flimsy evidence on Thursday. Rhonda has fought for a strong contract, workplace safety, and a better bereavement policy. Now, we’re fighting to bring her back. Tell UMC – we ALL stand with Rhonda! No unjust firings!

Add your name here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/umc-members-stand-with-rhonda/

Other Union Updates:

Union Elections: Ballots for the Local 5107 Election will be mailed out soon. There are contested races for President and Secretary-Treasurer.

Union Raises: All Union RNs will receive a 3% across-the-board raise effective February 1.

Health and Safety: Following a long grievance process, UMC has finally written and implemented Workplace Violence Prevention Polices for each facility.

Cancellation Policy: Due to a technicality, we were able to negotiate a new benefit mid-contract. If you are clocked in and sent home before your shift ends, you are now entitled to all time worked, plus at least one hour’s pay.

Union Time: Union Nurses are entitled to all scheduled shifts over agencies. UMC has not been respecting this rule, so we are filing a grievance. If you have lost work time to an agency, please report it immediately.

Union Benefits: HPAE Members and their dependents are eligible for the UnionPlus Scholarship. Applications are due by Jan 31 (Use “AFT” as your International).


If you are disciplined, investigated, or called into a meeting that you reasonably believe could lead to discipline or investigation, you have the right to have Union Representation present.

In solidarity,

HPAE 5107 Executive Board