Local 5185 Union Win! - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5185 Union Win!

Management has backed down and agreed to pay ALL the bonuses we are owed!

Each week for the next four weeks, everyone who qualifies for a bonus will receive a check for one quarter of what they are owed.

This was NOT out of the goodness of Dr. Moulick or Yan Moshe’s heart. Management backed down because YOU and hundreds of your coworkers stood up and demanded they honor our contract.

This won’t be the last time we have to fight, but when we fight, we win!

Protect Yourself: Management has started to crack down on our breaks and phone use, so make sure to be careful with your clock-ins/outs and using your phones on work time.

Layoffs: Management came to us with a layoff list of 12 people. We negotiated it down to a smaller number and have found jobs at BMC for almost all of them.

Negotiations: We will be negotiating with HRH soon. Please fill out our survey so we can know your priorities:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PRP2YWH

Thank you for standing strong.

In solidarity,

HPAE local 5185 Executive Board