Local 5135 Members’ Contract Surveys Now Online
Our Union contract with Rutgers University(formerly UMDNJ) expires on September 30, 2014. We are making preparations now to negotiate the best possible contract for our future and we need your input. You will soon receive a contract survey which will help us identify the key issues facing our local union. For your convenience, Rutgers members can also fill out the survey online here.
The contract survey is your opportunity to have your opinion heard during this process. Your input will be shared with our Negotiating Committees and will help guide your colleagues bargaining with your employer.
This will be our first experience negotiating with our new employers. Due to the protections we fought for in the New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act, Rowan, Rutgers and University Hospital are obligated to negotiate new contracts with us when our current contract expire. It is important that we show them that our union remains united and strong.