Member Update: FXB Return to Office Actions Update and Next Steps - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Member Update: FXB Return to Office Actions Update and Next Steps

Within a week, and despite being spread across the state, more than 65% of HPAE FXB Members signed a petition of solidarity in support of returning to work with safety at the center of the plan. Our petition was accompanied by a letter from HPAE framing the issue and demanding a meeting with the NJ Commissioner’s Office. It was also sent to Rutgers University accompanied by a letter from HPAE Leadership echoing the same message for a call for safety for members and those we serve.

The Commissioner’s office has not agreed to meet, which is disappointing. This is not over by a long shot and standing up for what is right in a fight like this cannot be won overnight.

We will stay united, the power of our unity is already showing that together, we win.

What to Expect for Monday

What to Expect for Monday

While many of us return to the office on Monday, serious concerns remain about the safety of the plan to return to the office and lack of planning by management to assure safety for all.

We asked the following of management, and include their responses.

1. Will members be expected to transport heavy equipment by foot though neighborhoods?
–  Answer: staff members should not be moving equipment by foot through neighborhoods, speak to the RNA to seek assistance.

2. Offices with half-wall cubicles need Plexiglas to assure for safety. Will they be installed by Monday?
– Answer: No, Plexiglas will not be installed by Monday. (Management claims it will be installed in the future.)

3. Where should we eat lunch; can we eat at our desks?
–  Answer: Yes

What to Do if You Feel Unsafe at Work

This is not good enough. If there is an issue related to safety do not suffer in silence, reach out to your HPAE Union Rep and ask for support based on what you are experiencing. Your safety is paramount. Be sure to mask and maintain safe protocols to maximize your care for yourself and others. If you are not sure how to contact an HPAE union rep, you can email Please include your best contact phone number in your email and use a subject line including the issue you are facing.

HPAE FXB Membership Meeting on Tuesday 12/14 at 6:30pm via Zoom

The fight goes on. Join coworkers and HPAE Reps to get an update of the issues we are facing and share what you experienced in your return to the office. Together we will support each other.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

In solidarity,

HPAE FXB Committee
Ana, Rachel, Vanessa, Monica, and April