HPAE Tele-town Hall with Senator Menendez – September 17, 2012
US Senator Robert Menendez Chats about health Care, Election with HPAE Members
“I was honored to have the opportunity to hear from Senator Menendez. He is very informative about many issues that are important to the citizens of New Jersey. As a health care worker, I was glad to hear him speak in such depth about the Affordable Care Act. I try to stay as informed as I can with all that is at stake in this election year.”
This was one member’s description of the recent ‘tele-town-hall’ between HPAE members and Senator Robert Menendez. More than 800 HPAE members got onto a phone call moderated by HPAE President Ann Twomey.
Ann reminded members of Senator Menendez’s support for HPAE members when they organized Christ Hospital years ago. In his opening comments, Senator Menendez talked about a range of topics, including the stark shape of our economy in 2008, prior to President Obama’s election.
HPAE members heard from the Senator about the importance of this year’s election, and about maintaining a commitment to building a solid middle class, an economy with good jobs, union rights, an affordable college education, a fair tax policy. and access to quality health care.
Senator Menendez talked about the benefits for New Jersey of Obamacare: an end to discrimination by health insurance companies against those with pre-existing conditions; keeping adult children on family health care plans; and a ban on lifetime caps for coverage. Senator Menendez also stressed his opponent’s votes against women’s health care funding and access to health care in NJ, funding he has championed in the US Senate.
HPAE members called in with questions about health care, the economy, health insurance and for-profit hospitals.
Many were also impressed with Senator Menendez’ emphasis on the stark choice this election poses: between a set of values that says we all rise together – or ‘you are on your own’. As he stated his support for HPAE, and our workplace rights: “I know who I stand for, and I know who I stand up against.”
In sum, this was a productive and interesting discussion with the Senator. As another HPAE member noted:
“I really enjoyed hearing directly from Senator Menendez about his humble beginnings and how the benefits of this country helped him to be successful. This is the type of individual I want representing me. He knows where I come from and what myself and my family needs.”
Note: We are aware that there were some technical problems and some members were cut off from the call. We will be putting a recording of the call on our website as soon as available.