Message from HPAE VP Bernie Gerard About the State Shutdown - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Message from HPAE VP Bernie Gerard About the State Shutdown

Although it is not anticipated by Rutgers that anyone will be prevented from working due to the state government shut down, there is a possibility that if you work in a state controlled building, or perform state contracted work, the building may be closed or there will be limited access. Unless told otherwise by your program, people should report to work and if you are unable to enter your worksite or your program is shut down, send an email to HPAE Assistant Director Maria Elena Cortez at [email protected] with your name, telephone number, work address, program name, and a short explanation as to why you were unable to work.

Our contract with Rutgers states that “in situations where staff members are working in facilities controlled by other entities (e.g., the State of New Jersey) and those facilities are closed for any reason (thereby preventing staff members from coming to work) the University agrees to treat the closure period as time worked.”  HPAE wants to monitor and follow up with affected members to be sure our contractual rights are followed.

In solidarity,

Bernie Gerard
HPAE Vice President