Local 5030 Second Quarter Newsletter, April 5, 2023 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5030 Second Quarter Newsletter, April 5, 2023

It is already spring, and time continues to fly by. We have been working on several issues that have been brought to our attention and we also have some new announcements in this update pertaining to the Incentive Bonus and a new Co Grievance Chair. We hope you can join us for the May 11th Rally for Safe Staffing for all Healthcare workers. It will be a fun filled day and we will make our voices heard. Get involved in your Union because when we all speak with one voice we can make change!

We are meeting with the CNO and Director of Human Resources this week to discuss the lack of staff on the units and the increased acuities and nurse to patient ratios we are seeing. Our healthcare system is in crisis as we continue to lose dedicated healthcare professionals to burnout and stress at Palisades Medical Center. For years we have been talking about safe staffing because we have witnessed firsthand the understaffing by the hospital and HMH to cut down staffing to its lowest number to maximize profits. Enough is Enough! We are asking HMH to step up and address the chronic short staffing that everyone is facing.

You can do your part if you know of anyone that is looking to become a employee at Palisades Medical Center. Last year we negotiated a referral bonus so that you can be rewarded for referring someone for employment. This is for all members of Local 5030 and this is in addition to the referral bonuses that are currently in the Contract. The referral bonus program of HMH has been expanded to include a list of “hot jobs” as follows:

  • Team members are eligible for $2,500 for the referral of candidates in environmental services, food services and patient transport positions, after their first 90 days with HMH.
  • Team members are eligible for $3,000 for the referral of candidates in patient care technician, certified medical assistant, respiratory therapist, surgical technician, certified nursing assistant positions after their first 90 days with HMH.
  • Team members are eligible for $5,000 for the referral of registered nurses (minimum of two years’ experience required) and social workers, after their first 90 days with HMH.


Join us on May 11 for a Safe Staffing Rally. We know that so many of us are exhausted, overworked, and ready to quit. Nearly one third of us have already left bedside nursing. Now more than ever, we need to make our voices heard in Trenton. Safe staffing has always saved lives; now safe staffing can save healthcare. Please go to https://www.hpae.org to register. Buses will be provided for transportation, and you will be provided breakfast and lunch. If you have questions, please see one of the local officers for more information. We will leave Palisades at 8am and return that afternoon. If you are working, please submit you PTO request ASAP and we will work with your Directors and HR to get you approved.


The bonus will be paid again this year on April 14th as part of your collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated in 2021. This is the 2nd year for the bonus.

  • Must be on the payroll before July 1, 2022.
  • Team members must be on the payroll the day the incentive is paid.
  • Payouts are based on team members’ pay rate (Primary Job) and scheduled hours on December 31, 2022.
  • Team members must be in good standing (i.e., No documented disciplinary actions/suspensions in 2022).


As we continue to face a staffing crisis in the healthcare industry, we ask that anytime you are short staffed that you complete a short staffing form. Give a copy to your supervisor and drop a copy off in the Union box located down by the ED. This short staffing form protects your license and your job. These short staffing forms are for all members and just not nursing. Each short staffing form is addressed at the Staffing Committee meetings each month with the CNO and HR and the goal is a joint effort by the Hospital, Union and individual members from each bargaining unit to reduce vacancies and agency usage. The joint Labor Management Staffing Committee meeting is devoted to one of the following core areas: Nursing, Professional, Technical, and Service & maintenance. This joint Union and Management Committee evaluates the factors affecting staffing and we can propose joint solutions. These factors include but are not limited to current vacancies, current staffing, recruitment strategies, and onboarding efficiencies. This gives the Union authority to make recommendations to improve staffing on all units. If you would like to attend one of our monthly meetings to speak out on staffing, please let us know and we will get you released to attend.


We are pleased to announce that Steven Peralta from the SM bargaining unit has been appointed as the new co grievance chair for the local. Steven will be going through the HPAE training and has the experience to serve our members well. If you have an issue or a violation of the contract, please reach out to Steven and he will be glad to assist you. Steven works in the Dietary Unit.

  • EDUCATE YOURSELF AND YOUR CO-WORKERS – attend a meeting, share this flyer.
  • Please use the local email to better communicate with us [email protected]for all questions and issues you may have.



Local 5030 Executive Board