Local Updates: New Online Safe Staffing Form, Grievance Regarding Prescription Plan, Holiday Dinner Party
New Online Staffing Form
We are in the process of developing an online unsafe staffing form. There will be an electronic link on the Virtua Vine. More to come!
Union Grieves New Prescription Plan
The new prescription plan offered by Virtua only covers generic medications. For those members maintained on meds that do not have a generic equivalent or who do not respond well to that generic equivalent, there may be a much higher cost involved. An even larger issue is that there is no appeal process. No recourse.
We’ve discovered some diabetic medications, like Lantus insulin, and some of the cancer drugs will no longer be covered. This is just a small list – I’m sure there are many others.
We know this affects at least 168 members so we filed a grievance. If you are having an issue with this change, please email Debbie White at Debbie461@aol.com.
Rep Holiday Dinner Party
A Rep Holiday Dinner Party will be held December 5, 7pm, at 128 Route 70 in Medford, NJ.