HPAE Local 5094 UH Ratification Underway Until March 28th at 12 noon - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

HPAE Local 5094 UH Ratification Underway Until March 28th at 12 noon

Please be advised that you should have received information via email regarding the voting process. If you have a missing PIN, you may request a replacement by calling the Duplicate Hotline 1-800-529-5218 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Members may also make requests by e-mailing Sacha Ulerio at [email protected].

The HPAE Local 5094 Negotiating Committee encourages every member to participate in the upcoming vote to ratify the tentative terms of the new Agreement. The following issues were addressed in the new agreement:

  • New language to prohibit management from using mandatory overtime as a staffing tool in the event of chronic staffing challenges.
  • Clarification of the language used by our members to request that their salaries be adjusted when they are required to either work outside of their job classification or have a substantial increase in their job responsibilities.
  • Performance evaluations will be changed from a 5 to 3 level rating system as well as an unsatisfactory score now treated as a written warning in lieu of suspension vs. a final warning.
  • Strengthened the role of the Labor and Management Committee to include that we will meet with management at least 4 times per year to discuss any workplace issues.
  • Almost 1/3 of the titles within our Local will receive a Market Rate Analysis to address the disparities of pay that currently exist throughout our membership. Some of the titles scheduled for the Market Rate Analysis are: Medical Technologist, User Support Specialist, Sr. Respiratory Therapist and Audiologist.
  • 3-year contract with wage increases as follows: Year 1 [3%] , Year 2 [2.5%], Year 3 [3%]

It is important to note that you must be a member in good standing to vote in the ratification. If you are unsure of your membership status, you can click here to submit your application (if you are already a member your application will not be processed twice). Meetings to answer questions regarding the tentative agreement will be held as follows:

Virtual (please register at least one hour in advance of the meeting; link will be sent after member status verification):

Wednesday, March 23rd 12:30 PMhttps://rutgers.webex.com/rutgers/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2c61697dc379af231648d7b152c1f733

Thursday, March 24th 7:00 PMhttps://rutgers.webex.com/rutgers/onstage/g.php?MTID=ee65b6d15102750b9e40af78aef286b46

The voting period began on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:00 AM and will conclude on Monday, March 28th at noon. Information on voting, including a unique PIN for voting, was sent by e-mail, and voting can be done online or by phone. As always, if you would like more information on how you can participate or any other issue, please contact your local union rep or email [email protected] for assistance.

In solidarity,

HPAE 5094 UH Negotiations Committee

Ryan Novosielski, Roshni Danak, Carmen Vincenty, Jack Luftman, Olivia Valentino-Davis, Esther Barney