Notice of 2022 Nominations and Election of Local 5138 Officers - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Notice of 2022 Nominations and Election of Local 5138 Officers

The Nominations/Election Committee announces that there are three Local 5138 officer positions that are up for election this year. Nominations for these positions are currently being accepted by the nomination committee.


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary/Treasurer

(Job descriptions can be found in your Local Constitution and By-Laws.)

TERM OF OFFICE: Completion of election through September 31, 2024

NOMINATIONS PROCEDURE: A member in good standing may nominate another member to run for office. To nominate a candidate, a member must submit a nomination form to the Elections Committee with candidates signature accepting nomination. A member may also nominate themself for office. Said nomination forms must be submitted no later than the timeline set forth in the Notice of Election. A member may not nominate more than one candidate for the same position. A member may not be a candidate for more than one position. Attached you will find a Nomination notice and form. Return completed form to Local 5138 Nominations and Elections, P.O. Box 119, Emerson, New Jersey 07630 or emailed to [email protected] . Union office phone number (201) 262-5005.
Candidates must confirm receipt of nomination from a committee member by the deadline. If not confirmed, the committee cannot guarantee name will appear on ballot.

You can download the nomination form here.

NOMINATIONS DEADLINE: Forms must be received by September 22, 2022. All forms received later will be void.

ELECTION DATE: Ballots to be mailed to all members in September. If it is an uncontested election, the committee will cast one ballot on behalf of the slate in which case no ballots will be sent. All candidates may examine membership list and be present for the mailing and counting of the ballots.  You must advise the committee in writing if you wish to be present or would like to view membership list. The reason for this is they will then share all the necessary information such as place and time. Candidates must abide by “rules of conduct” establish by committee. If any candidate does not receive the rules of conduct, please contact a committee member.

ELIGIBILITY: Any HPAE Local 5138 member in good standing is eligible to run for office. Candidates and voters must be members in good standing on September 1, 2022 to be eligible to run or vote in this election.  All elected candidates must attend HPAE Officer training.

NOMINATION/ELECTION COMMITTEE:  Kathy Whalen, Barbara Bosch, Debbie Kelleher and Jeffrey David Ball (HPAE Staff Representative, [email protected] )