Welcome to Local 5138
HPAE Local 5138 represents Registered Nurses at Southern Ocean Medical Center/Meridian in Manahawkin, NJ.
RSVP for 1/22 Union Meeting & Vote!
We are kicking off our fight for a fair union contract with a *vote on initial proposals* and membership meeting on Wednesday, January 22 at 8:30 AM, 4:30 PM, and 7:30 PM at the Holiday Inn Manahawkin (151 NJ-72, Manahawkin)!
Local 5058 and 5138 Important Update
We want to update all of you on the meeting with management regarding a proposal for shift differentials and on call pay, which they finally sent us in writing yesterday.
Notice of 2024 Nominations and Election of HPAE Local 5138 Officers
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that there are three Local 5138 officer positions that are up for election this year. Nominations for these positions are currently being accepted by the nomination committee.
Notice of 2024 Nomination and Election of Local 5138 HPAE and AFT Convention Delegates and Alternates
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that we are now accepting nominations to represent Local 5138 at this year’s HPAE State Convention , as well as the AFT National Convention.
HPAE Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Tentative Agreement Reached with SOMC
Today, June 22, 2023, HPAE met with HMH for negotiations. We were in discussions all day and we have reached a tentative agreement. Details to be discussed in the ratification meetings.
HPAE Local 5138 Member Update, June 2, 2023
HPAE met with HMH on May 30, 31, and June 1, 2023 in Long Branch, NJ to continue negotiations. Many of the discussions these past 3 days were focused around staffing and wages since we have reached tentative agreements on
HPAE Nurses hold an Informational Picket at Southern Ocean Medical Center
After months of bargaining with Hackensack Meridian Health executives, nurses brought their message to the public’s attention as they continue to bargain for a contract that helps to recruit and retain nursing staff during a state-wide staffing crisis in hospitals.
HPAE Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Sessions #9 and #10
The Union had many bargaining unit members present on both days to tell their stories of short & unsafe staffing levels, and safety & workplace violence issues and concerns across the table to HMH’s legal counsel and administrators.
In-Person Membership Meeting, Bargaining Update and Strike Vote
We will be holding 2 in-person only meetings on Sunday, April 30, 2023 at the Bay Ave. Community Center, and on Monday, May 1, 2023 at the Stafford Branch Library to give an update on negotiations and to vote to
Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Sessions # 7, April 4, 2023
HPAE Local 5138 held its seventh (7th) day of negotiations with HMH today, April 4. We presented HMH with our counters for today and went over each of them.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Sessions # 5 and #6
HPAE Local 5138 continues to meet with HMH for contract negotiations.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Session # 4, March 29, 2023
HMH came to the table and shared a presentation on the proposed performance evaluation, which incorporates HMH’s team member behaviors (the 5 C’s) and a change in the performance evaluation rating scale from 3 to 5 points.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Session # 3, March 24, 2023
HPAE Local 5138 held its third day of negotiations with HMH today.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update: Session # 2, March 23, 2023
HPAE Local 5138 held a second day of negotiations with HMH today. After reviewing the proposals that HMH presented to us yesterday, we met with them and went over their proposals.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update, March 23
HPAE Local 5138 kicked off negotiations with HMH. We presented our Union proposals with regards to wages, staffing, health & safety, on call pay along with a host of other proposals.
Local 5138 Member Update: New Wage Scale at SOMC
Today we met with HMH to discuss the wage scale for RNs regarding a market rate adjustment. Below is the agreed upon adjusted wage scale.
Local 5138 Member Update, November 21, 2022
Today we met with Hackensack Meridian Health to start negotiations. We were fully prepared to negotiate changes to the contract that would preserve and improve our contract language.
Local 5138 Officer Election Results
The elections for President, Vice President and Secretary/Tresurer are complete. No ballots were mailed out since no write in candidates were permitted.
Local 5138 CAT Signup Form
Job description and signup form for the local 5138 contract action team.
HPAE Statement Regarding National Labor Relations Board Decision
This is a victory for our union members, who stood up to HMH's attempts to undermine their union rights. Bargaining is a protected right under labor law, which a Judge and the NLRB have affirmed.
2022 Contract Survey for SOMC Registered Nurses
We ask that all bargaining unit members in good standing participate and let your voices be heard by filling out the contract survey. This will be instrumental in letting the negotiation team know what your concerns and ideas are for
Notice of 2022 Nominations and Election of Local 5138 Officers
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that there are three Local 5138 officer positions that are up for election this year. Nominations for these positions are currently being accepted by the nomination committee.
Local 5138 Members: Update on Pay Raise Discussion
On April 14, 2022, we reached out to HMH. We continue having open discussions regarding a pay raise adjustment that would be fair to all members.
Local 5138 Members: Important Message on Pay Raise discussions
Management offered the same 3% across the board that non-union employees will receive; they proposed this to replace our guaranteed contractual 2.25% merit increase.
Member Update on Retention Bonuses
Our Union has bargained for and agreed to an ED retention bonus at Jersey Shore University, Southern Ocean and at Palisades Medical Centers.
Local 5138 HPAE Convention Delegate Announcement
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that the following members will serve as delegates for HPAE Local 5138 at this year’s HPAE State Convention.
Local 5138 Health Insurance Changes
Health Insurance Changes between the 2019 and 2020 Plans As you are aware HPAE Local 5138 had filed a grievance in November 2019 based on our position the employer made changes to the 2020 plan that were not reasonably comparable
HPAE member alert – Mandatory vaccination update
We are bargaining over the effects of the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination issued by Hackensack Meridian Health. We support voluntary vaccination and regular testing of all members and patients. OUR MEMBERS ARE GETTING VACCINATED: Harborage: 73% Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Notice of 2021 Nominations and Election of Local 5138 HPAE Convention Delegates and Alternates
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that they are now accepting nominations to represent Local 5138 at this year’s HPAE State Convention.
Member Update on HMH’s Mandatory Vaccinations for COVID-19
The Union was notified yesterday that effective October 1, 2021, HMH will require all team members, physicians, volunteers, vendors, and consultants to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
2020 Performance Evaluation Merit Pay
On Tuesday, HMH informed us that they are going to give our members merit increases based on a performance evaluation scale that we did not negotiate.
Local 5138 Member Update, May 14
HMH continues to violate your rights provided for in our contract. Ignoring the contract’s plain language, "to sunset the extra shift and critical shift differentials"… is the latest example.
Local 5138 Update March 25, 2021
We want to give you an update on the issues regarding Sunsetting of the Extra Shift and Critical Shift differentials mentioned in Appendix B of your contract.
Hackensack Meridian, HPAE spar over vote-by-mail union election at Jersey Shore hospital
Hackensack Meridian Health is fighting a National Labor Relations Board ruling granting Jersey Shore University Medical Center workers the ability to vote by mail to decide whether to name Health Professionals and Allied Employees as their collective bargaining representative.
Hackensack Meridian fined for COVID-19 mask violations at nursing home
A Hackensack Meridian nursing home was cited by federal regulators for failing to give its nursing staff the proper masks to treat COVID-19 residents near the height of the pandemic, according to documents released Thursday.
OSHA issues citations against Hackensack Meridian for COVID-19 violations following investigation of long-term care worker death
This action by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the first citation of its kind nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Local 5138 officer nominations are now open
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that there are four (4) Local 5138 officer positions that are up for election this year. Nominations for these positions are currently being accepted by the nomination committee.
HPAE statements on Local 5138 Nurses at Southern Ocean Medical Center ratifying a 3-year contract
HPAE President Debbie White, RN, and HPAE Local 5138 President Anna Pona, RN, issued the following statements in light of members at Southern Ocean Medical Center ratifying a three-year contract with Hackensack Meridian Health.
Contract Ratified!
Yesterday we voted in record numbers, to ratify our 3 year contract. Thank you all for your support!!
Local 5138 Ratification Voting Process
AAA, American Arbitration Association will be conducting our Ratification vote. The emailing of voting instructions and Personal Identification Numbers (“PINs”) will take place on Wednesday June 24, 2020 at 6:00 A.M.
Local 5138 General Membership Meeting RSVP, Thursday, June 25th
The HPAE Local 5138 Executive Board invites you to join us for a teleconference on 18th 8am, 4pm, 8pm.
From the front lines to now a picket line, N.J. nurses say they are fed up and demand protections
More than 1,500 nurses from two New Jersey hospitals say they’ve been “pushed to the limit” Thursday after failing to make progress in contract negotiations with Hackensack Meridian Health.
Local 5138 Teleconference Sign-up, Monday, June 15th
The HPAE Local 5138 Executive Board invites you to join us for a teleconference on 18th 8am, 4pm, 8pm.
HPAE calls for Informational Picket Line, June 21
Today Local 5138 at SOMC and 5058 at JSUMC presented Hackensack Meridian Health management with a Ten Day Notice for a concerted activity, namely an Informational picketing event and flyering.
Nurses on the COVID-19 pandemic frontlines to demand protections and recognition for their heroic efforts
Nurses at Southern Ocean and Jersey Shore University Medical Centers will hold informational pickets to protest lack of progress in bargaining new contract with Hackensack Meridian Health.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update, Contract Extension Reached
We came to a mutual agreement to extend the Union contract to June 15th, at 7am. This means the both sides will continue to work toward a tentative agreement and the contract is in full effect.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update, May 27, 2020
We have been working hard toward achieving a fair contract by working on our proposals and countering managements proposals, since our last bargaining session on May 21, 2020.
Nurses union authorizes strike vote amid strain over working conditions in coronavirus crisis
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to burden the healthcare system, a union representing 1,500 nurses at two shore hospitals took the first step Friday toward authorizing a strike should contract negotiations with Hackensack Meridian Health fail.
Jersey Shore and Southern Ocean Nurses Overwhelmingly Authorized Bargaining Committees to Strike
Nurses saving lives on the COVID-19 pandemic frontlines at two HMH hospitals are renegotiating a collective bargaining agreement that expires at month’s end.
May 12-14th Negotiations Updates
We are working toward getting an agreement by 7am on May 31 that includes winning improvements in staffing, health and safety, and accountability for HMH on payroll/PTO/LOA and wages.
Fed-up health care workers allege N.J. hospital is putting their lives at risk
Health care workers at a New Jersey hospital fear for their safety, alleging the facility has failed to protect them from infection while treating COVID-19 patients.
Local 5138 Teleconference Sign-up
The HPAE Local 5138 Executive Board invites you to join us for a teleconference on 18th 8am, 4pm, 8pm. This is a membership meeting with updates and a chance to ask questions.
May 12 and 13th Negotiations Update
We are working toward getting an agreement by 7am on May 31 that includes winning improvements in staffing, health and safety, accountability for HMH on payroll/PTO/LOA and wages.
May 8, 2020 Negotiations Update
We had a busy 6th day of bargaining. HMH responded to many of our proposals. However, their responses was short sited. They rejected all of our proposals about health and safety, workplace violence, staffing, transition and oversight and the pandemic.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update May 5, 2020
In preparation for both parties’ proposals on wages, including a market rate adjustment, HMH is sending you a survey to capture your years of experience as an RN, including any international RN experience.
NLRB Rules in Favor of Unionized Healthcare Workers against Hackensack Meridian
HPAE filed charges against NJ’s largest health system during 2018 contract negotiations for failure to bargain in good faith.
HPAE Negotiates Recognition Bonus for Members
HPAE and HMH have negotiated a bonus program (Hero Pay) for all members in recognition of their efforts during this time.
HPAE wins major victory at National Labor Relations Board against HMH
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decided in our favor on a case going back to the 2018 contract campaign.
Local 5058/5138 Negotiations Update, April 28, 2020
The Employer has not responded to the proposals we made in the previous sessions. HMH states they will have all of their non-economic proposals ready for us on Monday.
Local 5138 Bargaining Update, April 27, 2020
The topics we presented concerned health and safety included use of KN95 at JSMC, reusing and cleaning face masks and blue gowns, reusing sterilized stylets, and trialing a different kind of N95 in the OR, and aware that these have
Member Alert: Negotiations 4/21/2020
Today was the first day of negotiations. The negotiations were held by video conference with the assistance of a federal mediator.
Member Action Alert, April 16, 2020
We are continuing to fight to ensure healthcare workers have the resources and protections they need to continue to provide safe care and treatment during these unprecedented times.
Hackensack Meridian Health Life Solutions Support Number & Website
For those needing help during this crisis, please reach out through HMH Life Solutions (Employee Assistance Program) @ (866) 379-0244. Use company ID HMHEAP.
Local 5138 Know Your Rights Workshop Sign-up Form
Attend Information Workshops to learn about our rights on the job and being an active Union member, contract negotiations with HMH and our right to representation.
Proposals for 2020 Bargaining for Jersey Shore Local 5058 and Southern Ocean Medical Center Local 5138
The following are general areas of proposals that we are going to make at bargaining this year. Members are the key to fighting for and improving our collective bargaining agreement (contract). Let’s work together to win the best contract possible.
United Statement from HPAE Local Presidents in response to HMH “Harmonization” initiatives for 2020
As union members and employees at HMH, we are glad to see that HMH finally recognizes their employees are not compensated properly for their value and experience when it comes to those delivering patient care at HMH facilities.
Let’s leave payroll issues in 2019
Payroll is a continuing issue for all employees at Hackensack Meridian facilities.
Hackensack Meridian computer disruption delayed patient care, nurses union says
Hackensack Meridian Health patients last week ran into delays and disruptions after the health care system's computer network went down for two days and slowly came back online, an official from the nurses' union said Monday.
Payroll Update and System Failure
We have taken the proactive step of getting information about the system failure that occurred on December 2 and its impact on you and your patients.
HPAE member alert: health plan changes
The Union leadership at Palisades Medical Center, Harborage, Jersey Shore University Medical Center and Southern Ocean Medical Center were notified that Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) is planning to increase costs on the Health Care Plans at all their facilities.
HMH is set to increase costs on 2020 Health Care Plans
The Union leadership at Palisades Medical Center, Harborage, Jersey Shore University Medical Center and Southern Ocean Medical Center were notified that Hackensack Meridian Health is planning to increase costs on the Health Care Plans at all their facilities.
EPIC Training and Your Union Rights
While we are going through EPIC training, you cannot be forced to work overtime in order to attend EPIC training. You must be given the option of doing the training as overtime or as a part of your regular hours.
HMH Local Retreat, May 4 & 5, 2019
HPAE Locals 5097 (The Harborage), Local 5058 (Jersey Shore), Local 5030 (Palisades) and Local 5138 (Southern Ocean) held their first annual retreat this past weekend to discuss a number of topics and to build relationships...
Healthcare workers across Hackensack Meridian Health Demand Paper Paychecks until Glitches are Fixed
Across the HMH system employees have experienced hardship and personal challenges due to the miscalculations in pay resulting in a loss of wages.
HMH Member Update and Call to Action
Thousands of nurses and healthcare workers at Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) facilities are struggling to pay for essentials as Hackensack Meridian Health acts recklessly with our livelihoods.
Complaint filed with the NJ Department of Labor over Hackensack Meridian payroll issues
HPAE has filed a complaint today with the State of New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development, Division of Wage & Hour Compliance.
Hackensack Meridian Health, Carrier Clinic merger: Projects announced throughout NJ
The merger of Hackensack Meridian Health and Carrier Clinic is official, and executives already have plans underway for several behavioral health projects throughout the region.
Local 5138 Election Results
The Nominations/Election Committee announces the newly elected officers for Local 5138. They took office January 1, 2019 and the term runs through December 31, 2020.
Hackensack Meridian gives nurses raises, pledges to hire more
Nurses from two Hackensack Meridian Health hospitals ratified a 22-month contract that includes a pledge to hire more nurses, satisfying what their union said was their biggest concern.
Nurses at Jersey Shore and Southern Ocean Ratify New Contracts with Hackensack Meridian Health – Gains Made Amid Dozens of Proposed Cutbacks
On Thursday, December 13, 2018, Registered Nurses with the Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE), at Jersey Shore University Medical Center (JSUMC) and Southern Ocean Medical Center (SOMC), ratified new 22-month contracts with Hackensack-Meridian Health.
We Have a Contract! HPAE Locals 5058 and 5138 Ratify Agreement with HMH
On Thursday, December 13th, nurses from Southern Ocean Medical Center and Jersey Shore University Medical Center overwhelmingly ratified new contracts running through May 31, 2020. This victory is the result of the hard work from union caregivers across our union
Southern Ocean Medical Center Nurses Reach Contract Agreement with Hackensack Meridian Health
The nurses at Southern Ocean Medical Center reached a tentative agreement recently with Hackensack Meridian Health.
Hackensack Meridian hospital nurses close to resolving bitter contract dispute
Nurses from Jersey Shore University Medical Center and Southern Ocean Medical Center have reached a tentative deal on a new contract, union officials said Thursday night.
Local 5138 members: ratification meeting to be held on Dec 13th at the Manahawkin Holiday Inn
We have confirmed our 8am ratification meeting on Thursday, December 13th will be held in the Coastal Room at the Holiday Inn (151 NJ-72, Manahawkin).
HPAE Nurses at JSUMC and SOMC Reach Tentative Agreement with Hackensack Meridian Health
Nearly 2,500 nurses and health professionals across the health system bargained with HMH administration since late spring.
Local 5138 members: tentative agreement reached!
Our local bargaining committee is pleased to announce we have reached a tentative agreement for a new contract with HMH, which must be ratified by the membership.
Nurses Overwhelmingly Vote Yes
Unionized nurses at Southern Ocean Medical Center (SOMC) rejected an attempt to eliminate their union rights with a landslide victory vote on November 13 and 14.
Community Members Deliver a Message of Support for Nurses Fighting for Safe Staffing Levels
Unionized nurses at Southern Ocean Medical Center were greeted by community members who gathered in support of their fight to protect patient safety at their hospital.
We’re Voting YES For Our Union!
We're standing together to say YES to our union! The protections in our contract allow us to fulfill our duty as patient advocates.
Notice of 2018 Nominations and Election of HPAE Local 5138 Officers
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that there are three (3) Local 5138 officer positions that are up for election this year. Nominations for these positions are currently being accepted by the nomination committee.
Union Re-certification Election: What to know before we vote
A Board Agent will administer an election on Tuesday, November 13th: 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm and Wednesday, November 14th: 6:00 am – 9:30 am and 10:30 am – 5:30 pm
Southern Ocean Medical Center Nurses Union Suffers Setback
Last week it was reported that Health Professionals and Allied Employees Local 5138, had scored a victory when the National Labor Relations Board threw out a petition calling for a decertification election at the hospital.
Nurses are Confident Majority Will Vote to Keep Their Union
Worker intimidation and anti-union tactics are attempts to silence Nurses in Manahawkin.
Overwhelming Majority of HPAE Nurses Are Standing with Their Union to Fight for Patient Safety and Workers’ Rights
Negotiations between Hackensack Meridian Health and HPAE have been tenuous as 2,500 represented are fighting to put an end to intimidation tactics in their workplace and to demand safe patient limits in the interest of patient and worker safety.
Don’t Let HMH Corporate Lead Us Backwards
We formed our union at our community hospital in 2003 to ensure a professional voice for nurses in the decisions affecting our patients, our practice and our jobs.
HPAE: Hackensack Meridian is Orchestrating Decertification Effort at Southern Ocean Medical Center with Anti-Union Tactics
The Health Professionals and Allied Employees accused Hackensack Meridian Health today of illegally orchestrating a union decertification effort using aggressive anti-union tactics that will ultimately fail.
HPAE local 5058 and local 5138 bargaining update, September 25
On Sunday, union nurses picketed again in Neptune, showing strength and resolve in our fight for a contract we’ll be proud to ratify.
Nurses, Health Professionals to Speak Out for Patient Safety and Workers’ Rights
Informational Pickets Planned outside of Hackensack Meridian
Watch the video & stand with HPAE locals at HMH
Health professionals speak out to protect their patients, and as a union we go beyond the walls of our facility to help our communities understand the risks and incidents that occur when we are caring for too many patients.
Southern Ocean Medical Center Nurses Still Working With No Contract
Approximately 300 Southern Ocean Medical Center nurses are still working without a contract with SOMC’s parent company, Hackensack Meridian Health, after the one-year deal expired at the end of July.
Local 5138 HPAE State Convention Delegate List
The nomination and elections for HPAE Convention delegates has concluded.
Union pickets at Palisades Medical Center, three other Hackensack Meridian locations
With negotiations for new contracts stalled, union health workers on Wednesday picketed outside Palisades Medical Center and its nursing home, as well as two other hospitals in the Hackensack Meridian Health system. Car and truck horns blared on River Road
Hackensack Meridian Healthcare Workers: Hospital Spends Multiple Millions on High Corporate Salaries, PR and Lobbying While Nurses, Healthcare Workers Wait for Safe Staffing, Livable Wages
Emerson, NJ – Hackensack Meridian Health, New Jersey’s largest non-profit and most profitable health system, pays its top officers millions of dollars and spends tens of millions of dollars on lobbying and public relations but refuses to reach a settlement
Take a second to make a difference: Spread the word on Social Media
Help us spread the message through social media. On Facebook: use the tags – @HPAE.AFT, @HackensackMeridianHealth Here’s the message: I support the HPAE caregivers standing up for patient care! #PatientsOverProfit #FairContractNow patientsoverprofit.org On Twitter: Tag: @HPAEAFT, @HMHNJ Here’s the message:
Hospital System Too Focused on Its Wealth, High Corporate Salaries Nurses, Health Professionals Informational Pickets Planned for Wednesday
Health professionals represented by HPAE have given notice to Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) of their intent to conduct informational picketing on August 15.
Local 5058 bargaining update & informational picket (8/15)
In the face of management's stall tactics, bad faith bargaining and take-back proposals in negotiations with our union, our local bargaining committee has called for...
Healthcare Workers to hold Informational Picket at Hackensack Meridian Health Hospitals
Health professionals represented by HPAE have given notice to Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) of their intent to conduct informational picketing on August 15.
Taking our fight to the community!
As HMH continues to stall at the bargaining table in an attempt to wear down our negotiating committees with unreasonable and unsafe proposals, we, the members, are taking our message to the public.
As Contracts expire for Nurses at Hackensack Meridian, HPAE Demands Corporate Executives Put an End to Divisive, Stalling Tactics
As of 7:00 AM on July 31, the contracts expired for two more HPAE locals currently in bargaining with Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH).
Contract Expires While Management Goes Home
After weeks of delays, management goes to bed while our contract expires.
Nurses and Health Professionals Tell Hackensack Meridian – Fair Bargaining, Not Union-busting
HPAE requested a Federal Mediator to assist in scheduling bargaining dates before the end of July and attend the ongoing negotiations. The contract, covering nearly 1,100 workers at both facilities, now owned by Hackensack Meridian Health, expired on July 20.
Results of HPAE Concerted Action Vote at Hackensack Meridian Facilities
Members from four HPAE facilities in the Hackensack Meridian Health system voted to support our local bargaining committees and oppose unfair labor practices by authorizing the committee to call for concerted activity...
Health Professionals Vote In Favor of Concerted Activity at Hackensack Meridian
HPAE nurses and health professionals at four Hackensack Meridian locations have voted in favor of engaging in concerted activities.
Local 5138 HPAE State Convention Nomination Form
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that they are now accepting nominations to represent Local 5138 at this year’s HPAE State Convention.
HPAE Locals 5058/5138 Bargaining update, July 13
Nurses from our hospitals were joined in bargaining by HPAE members from Palisades in Hudson County.
HPAE Locals 5058 & 5138: Bargaining Update, July 9
Raise The Bar For Patients: Management Slows Down As Nurses Mobilize To Attend Bargaining
Coming together for care: After unifying rally, management proposes takebacks
Hundreds of union and community members rallied on June 27th to demonstrate our common goal: Put patient health before corporate wealth. On July 2-3, our Local 5058 and 5138 committee discussed raising standards for workers and patients in our hospitals
Rally for Healthcare Unites Health Professionals in Demanding Patient Safety and Workers’ Rights
Wednesday, June 27, 2018 (North Bergen and Neptune, NJ) – Nurses and health professionals bargaining with NJ’s largest healthcare corporation, Hackensack Meridian, held a Rally for Healthcare on Wednesday, June 27. At the bargaining table, 3,000 health professionals represented by
Local 5058 and Local 5138 bargaining update, June 14
Bargaining is underway as we stand together for our patients! We return to the bargaining table tomorrow.
Update: Unreasonable Denial of PTO
Everyone deserves a day off! Hackensack Meridian continues to unreasonably deny members the time off we earn and has not provided information necessary for pursuing our grievance.
Solidarity Across the System: HPAE Locals Begin Bargaining with Hackensack Meridian
Members from Local 5030 told stories to the health system’s bargaining team about staffing problems at Palisades that could put healthcare workers and our patients at risk every day.
Rally for Healthcare
The Nurses and Health Professionals at Hackensack Meridian Health are demanding that large corporation put patient care before corporate wealth.
Nurses, Health Professionals Speak Out During Nurses’ Week
HPAE and the Coalition for Patient Rights and Safe Staffing celebrated Nurses’ Week at a Town Hall event on “Patient Safety and Safe Staffing in Healthcare.” Safe staffing levels continue to be the most important issue for healthcare professionals.
HPAE Raises Concerns About HMH-JFK Merger
Last night a dozen HPAE members and staff attended a public hearing on the affiliation of JFK Medical Center with Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH). If the merger goes through, HMH will own 15 hospitals in the state of New Jersey.
Special Update on Our Contract Settlement, Class Action Grievances
We've prepared a special update for members regarding the recent contract settlement with HMH, as well as class action grievances concerning health insurance, prescription drugs, and the market rate adjustments.
Nurses Ratify a 1 Year Contract With Hackensack Meridian Health
Nurses at Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) hospitals represented by HPAE voted on Wednesday to approve a one-year contract.
Nurses at Coastal Hospitals Reach Agreement with Hackensack Meridian Health
After nearly two months of negotiations that extended beyond the contract deadline of July 31, a tentative agreement has been reached between nurses represented by HPAE and Hackensack Meridian System.
Federal Mediator joins negotiations between Nurses and Hackensack Meridian Health
After nurses voted last week to authorize strikes at two Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) hospitals, the nurses called in a federal mediator to join bargaining this week. The authorization allows the negotiating committees for the nurses to send to HMH
As Contract Deadline Nears, Nurses Vote to Authorize a Strike at Two HMH Hospitals
Nurses bargaining for a new contract with their current employer, Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) voted at the end of last week to authorize their bargaining committee to conduct a strike or another form of concerted activity if they are unable
Contract Update and Strike Vote
In negotiations on Monday, July 17th, our local bargaining committees were joined by 50+ nurses from JSUMC and SOMC to discuss issues members have experienced using the employer's health insurance plan.
We’re Bargaining for Patient Safety, Workers’ Rights
Nearly 1,500 nurses represented by HPAE at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune and Southern Ocean Medical Center in Manahawkin are negotiating for a contract that protects patients, healthcare workers and their communities at each HMH facility.
Union RNs Fight for Safe Staffing
On Monday July 10th, 60+ HPAE members joined the Local 5058 and 5138 bargaining committees to demand safe staffing.
HPAE Nurses along the Jersey Coast Begin Negotiations for Patient Safety, Workers’ Rights with Hackensack Meridian Health
Nearly 1,500 nurses represented by HPAE, NJ’s largest healthcare union, at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune and Southern Ocean Medical Center in Manahawkin, began negotiations with Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) on Wednesday, June 21.
Community Petition for Patient Safety and Workers’ Rights at Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH)
HPAE locals are standing united with the community for patient safety and safe staffing levels at all Hackensack Meridan Health (HMH) hospitals. We are also fighting for improved access to healthcare providers, limits on rising out of pocket medical costs,
Community Petition for Patient Safety and Workers’ Rights at Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH)
HPAE locals are standing united with the community for patient safety and safe staffing levels at all Hackensack Meridan Health (HMH) hospitals.
HPAE Locals @ HMH Demand a Fair Contract
The presidents and members of Locals 5030, 5058, and 5138 went to Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH) corporate headquarters demanding to talk to corporate executives about the need for a fair contract.
Bargaining Begins at Hackensack Meridian Health
HPAE Local 5030/Palisades Medical Center began contract negotiations with Hackensack Meridian Health today. Meanwhile HPAE members at Local 5058/Jersey Shore Medical Center and Local 5138/Southern Ocean Medical Center are standing with Palisades members, United as HPAE @ Hackensack Meridian.
Local 5138 Nurses Leaflet at Hospital to Kick Off Contract Campaign
Local 5138 nurses leafleted their co-workers outside Southern Ocean Medical Center today to kick off our contract campaign and to highlight the gains that we have made as a union.
HPAE’s Hackensack Meridian Locals Begin Petition Campaign on Key Issues
HPAE locals at Palisades Medical Center, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Southern Ocean Medical Center, and The Harborage - all owned by Hackensack Meridian Health - have initiated a petition campaign to highlight priority issues.
Convention Resolutions & Constitutional Amendments Support HPAE’s Strategic Plan for Growth
At the HPAE 2016 Convention, delegates came together to make important decisions about the future of our union through a series of resolutions, constitutional amendments, and by-laws changes.
Our Fight for Good Health Insurance: Two Upcoming Events
Two upcoming events highlight our fight for good health insurance. On Sept. 12, we will be introducing a health insurance resolution at the Neptune Town Council. And on Sept. 22, HPAE and NJ Hedge Clippers are sponsoring a forum on
Local 5138 Members Leaflet at Hospital to Highlight Staffing Problems
June 21, 2016 Yesterday, over 20 Local 5138 members leafleted employees at the hospital to highlight the need to improve staffing levels in our hospital. Through a joint staffing committee, we work with Meridian nursing management to achieve patient safety
HPAE Calls for Protections in Merger of Hackensack and Meridian Health Systems
HPAE members testifed at two public hearings held yesterday to review the proposed merger of the Hackensack University Health Network and Meridian Health. While supporting the pending merger of Hackensack and Meridian, they urged the New Jersey Attorney General
HPAE Local Leaders Meet to Develop United Strategy Toward Meridian-Hackensack Merger
With the merger of Meridian Health and Hackensack University Health Network drawing closer, leaders of the four HPAE locals who will be dealing with the new, mega health system met recently to discuss a united strategy for the merger
Update on the Health Insurance and Market Rate Adjustment Class Action Grievances
We have filed two class action grievances against Meridian regarding management’s violation of the contract regarding health insurance and market rate adjustments. On March 3, we met with Sherrie String, Senior VP for Human Resources. She has denied both
Meridian Nurses Protest Health Benefits Contract Violation
More than 800 Registered Nurses from Local 5058/Jersey Shore University Medical Center and Local 5138/Southern Ocean Medical Center have joined together in a class action grievance and mass petition that calls on Meridian Health to restore health benefits as
Members Ratify Contract Settlement
Local 5138 members voted overwhelmingly yesterday to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement with Meridian Health. At the same time, Local 5058 members at Jersey Shore Medical Center voted in favor of their settlement with Meridian. The contracts, which
Thats all, folks - no more news!
In This Local
- Local 5138 Contract (May 15, 2023 to April 30, 2025)
- 2023 Contract Negotiations
- HPAE Membership Application
- Report Form to Document Scheduling Problems
- Local 5138 Officer and Rep List
- Monmouth and Ocean County Scholarship Fund
- Local 5138 News - March 2024
- Local 5138 Constitution and Bylaws
- HPAE Grievance Form
- HPAE Retiree Medical Trust - Basic Information
- NJDOL Division of Unemployment Insurance
- AFT Occupational Liability Insurance Plan
Upcoming Events for Local 5138
No upcoming events at this time.