URGENT: HPAE Locals 5089 and 5094 Day of Action Moved to Virtual Platform
Due to the inclement weather and a desire to keep everyone safe, HPAE has decided to shift our Day of Action to a virtual platform instead of in-person. We are calling on all HPAE members who want to see better wages, benefits, and staffing to attend the Day of Action so that we can show Rutgers University that we are SERIOUS about winning a great contract that honors our commitment to the University throughout the pandemic.
We are planning to meet at 12:30PM on Zoom and encourage all HPAE members to register here for the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89872583015?pwd=clV0SmZ3SFJGanhidDA2bDNwZW5uUT09
We’ll hear from our HPAE President Debbie White, as well as other local leaders about contract campaign and the need to support crucial resources for University Hospital and Rutgers staff.
At 1:00PM we will head over to the virtual Board of Governors meeting, where we will hear our nurse and professional union leaders challenge Rutgers for their lack of respect at the bargaining table and union busting. You can join the Board of Governors meeting at 1:00PM by clicking here: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/97850415062?pwd=NXlSWTZ5L25HM01UWGRNdGFkYXVaZz09
We are also asking members to gather your coworkers to take unity pictures with our Day of Action placard before the 12:30PM meeting! You can find the placard here (https://www.hpae.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Day-of-Action-Placard-1.pdf) and print it out before taking your photo. Submit your photo to our organizer Suzanne at [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we push our employer to do what’s right for us – WE make Rutgers work!
In solidarity,
Debbie White, HPAE President