HPAE local 5094 Officers and Union Representatives Election - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

HPAE local 5094 Officers and Union Representatives Election

The following nominations have been received for Local 5094 Officer and Representatives’ elections.


Co-President (University Hospital, Rutgers Newark) (VOTE FOR ONE)

  • Fatima Meadows
  • Ryan Novosielski

Co-President (Rutgers New Brunswick/Piscataway/Stratford/Camden, Rowan) (VOTE FOR ONE)

  • K. Lisa Adams
  • Justin O’Hea

Co-Secretary (University Hospital, Rutgers Newark)

  • Roshni Danak


  • Jennifer Hunt

Grievance Chair (University Hospital, Rutgers Newark)

  • Mayra Barreto


Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine

Five (5) Reps SOM Stratford Campus

  • Cheryl Riddick
  • Louis Correa

New Jersey Medical School (including GSBS) One (1) Rep for Biochemistry, CBMM, Molecular Core, Pharmacology

  • Saleena Ghanny

Central Administration

One (1) Rep at large for Piscataway Campus and Somerset

  • Catrina Fowler

University Behavioral Health Care (Piscataway and New Brunswick School)

One (1) Rep for Main Piscataway Campus – at large

  • Melissa Donadio

Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences: FXB Child Health Program

Rutgers School of Nursing FXB Child Health Program

One (1) Rep for Bergen, Hudson and Passaic Counties

  • Rachel Brown

One (1) Rep for Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean Counties

  • Monica O’Neill

University Hospital

Four (4) Reps at large (excluding Laboratory and Pathology Services and HMIS)

  • Olivia Valentino-Davis
  • Judy Vincenty

All other positions not listed, did not receive a nomination.

Candidates who are uncontested will not appear on the ballot as the committee will cast one vote on behalf of them. This means that only Co-President positions will be on ballot. Additional details will follow with election voting details. We are in the process of arranging with the American Arbitration Association (AAA) a neutral third party, to oversee the election. This is the same organization used in past elections. Time will be given to candidates to campaign, then ballots will be mailed to member’s homes. If a member does not receive a ballot, they will be given directions on how to receive another via mail and email. Rules of Conduct for Candidates can be found on your local webpage or by contacting committee via email [email protected] .

There are two attachment below, candidate statements and election guidelines.

Click here to see candidate statement.

Click here to see election guidelines.