Join the HPAE local 5094 2024 Contract Campaign! Our Participation Matters! - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Join the HPAE local 5094 2024 Contract Campaign! Our Participation Matters!

We hope that the New Year is treating you well so far. This year
our Union is entering negotiations with University Hospital over the Collective
Bargaining Agreement, which expires in September 2024. This means that we will
be discussing our wages, benefits, health and safety — and anything else you
think would make our workplace better for us and our patients — with UH
management at the bargaining table. The true source of union power is an
engaged membership. To win, it will take all members supporting this campaign:
taking the first step by filling out the Bargaining Survey (coming soon!),
participating and working to craft activities and actions, as well attending
Union meetings, are some of the things that we all need to do so that
University Hospital management knows that the proposals on the bargaining table
are supported by the entire membership.

Here are some additional ways in which you can actively participate in the bargaining campaign:

Join the Committee on Negotiations!

Represent co-workers on the Bargaining Committee and help develop
proposals that address the issues you want to see improved in our workplace as
well as participate in negotiations across “the table” from Hospital management
(with release time from work to attend sessions and preparation).To join the Bargaining Committee, submit a petition, signed by 5 (five) co-workers who support you representing them. Send the form to Judy Vincenty at by February 26th,
2024 and cc Anna Klebanowska at This role also includes attending Bargaining Committee training sessions,
proposal writing sessions, membership meetings, working on membership
communication and overall, keeping a transparent relationship with union

Download the Bargaining Committee Petition here.

Join the Contract Action Team (CAT)!

If you enjoy interacting with others and would like to support the
campaign by staying connected with co-workers on a regular basis and building
collective strength, joining the CAT is the right fit for you! Create our
contract campaign action plan, be the point person for your department, and
communicate with co-workers throughout the campaign as they attend meetings,
sign petitions, wear buttons, come to pickets, and more. Strong contracts are
won not only at the bargaining table through convincing arguments, but via
collective action and displays of power. We need to show management that all
members support a strong contract and will act collectively to get one. To
join the CAT, email Ryan Novosielski at
with your full name, position, and department as well as a sentence of
explanation of why you are interested by February 26, 2023. Please cc Anna
Klebanowska at as
The role will involve attending monthly/bi-monthly meetings
where you will be trained in organizing and communication skills and bringing
your ideas to the collective.

We are looking forward to hearing from you as we begin this exciting year! Union Strong for a fair contract!

Your UH 5094 Local Executive Board