Local 5107 UMC March 2024 Union Update - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5107 UMC March 2024 Union Update

Fighting For Safe Staffing: Thanks to your work filling out Unsafe Staffing and Missed Break Forms, we have enough information to file our first Staffing Grievance! To show we’re strong and united for safe staffing, add your name to our grievance: https://forms.office.com/r/cMY0FWpDxT

Be sure to continue filling out Unsafe Staffing and Missed Break Forms to protect yourself and make our case even stronger.

Uniform Pants Stipend: You no longer need to fill out Vouchers for Uniform Pants. Management will Pay $31.25 per quarter. Your union negotiations committee was able to negotiate an additional $125 for current employees as well. Your March 14 paycheck should include a line item for an extra $156.25 reflecting the $125 and the $31.25 for Q1 2024. New hires may submit receipts for up to one (1) additional pair of pants (up to $31.25).

In solidarity,

HPAE 5107 Executive Board