Local 5118 Bargaining Session #3 Update and Important Dates - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5118 Bargaining Session #3 Update and Important Dates

Bargaining Session Number 3 UPDATE

  • The majority of today was spent on discussing Violence Prevention. They presented a power point that was filled with more of the same old stuff. There was NOTHING SUBSTANTIAL in regard to PROTECTING you at work. Our committee members shared recent incidents that occurred on their units and asked direct questions. The hospital provided NO concrete answers.
  • We told them we will not discuss wages until they address our Retention and Health Insurance proposals. They say they have a staffing proposal but are not ready to present it.
  • Next weeks’ update will include tentative agreements that we have reached. The turn around time for each update will depend on how late we bargain that day and how quickly everything gets out through Action Network.


March 26 LEAFLETING. 6:15am at the parking garage. Rain or Shine. WEAR SOMETHING RED!

March 27 NEGOTIATIONS. Double Tree by Hilton. Arrive by 9:30. Doors will close at 10:15.

In Solidarity –

Negotiating Committee