Local 5118 May 30 Negotiations Update
Today (5/30) we reached three tentative agreements: Article 7.6 Holiday Schedules/Pay which includes new language: 1) When the RNs required holiday shift falls on a weekend, it shall count toward their holiday and their weekend shift requirements. 2) On holidays, nurses shall not be floated outside of their unit to give another nurse LCPTO. Article 11.6 Low Census/Over Staffing and Article 8 Work Preference which includes: Traveler and Agency nurses must be competent to perform the duties required by the employer.
The tentative agreements will be copied in the morning and attached to Friday’s update.
There are two items still open. Staffing and Wages
We gave them a comprehensive staffing proposal today, which they rejected.
Where it stands now:
- $3.25 Wage Adjustment
- Year 1 across the board increase – 4%
- Year 2 across the board increase – 4%
- Year 3 across the board increase – 4%
- Yearly 1% or greater step increase
- 32 year plus RN bump
- 0-2 New to Practice RN starts on step 2 of the step scale
Next Session: May 31
In Solidarity –
Your Negotiating Committee