Local 5105 Bargaining Update: Tentative Agreement Reached; Membership Meeting, Monday, June 5!
We are happy to announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement on a contract with the Hospital. We believe that this agreement is a significant win that speaks to our key priorities of Staffing, Wages and Health and Safety:
- Staffing: We won significant language that adds additional FTE float positions, assures the employers commitment to utilizing voluntary on-call and gives our staffing committee more teeth to hold management accountable
- Wages: We won significant wage increases to allow Virtua to recruit and retain nurses
- Health and Safety: We won language that will allow us work collaboratively with management to improve health and safety conditions at the hospital
We were also able to ensure protections for our members concerning reassignment and push back against managements most regressive proposals.
The agreement is not everything we wanted, but it’s a strong step towards accomplishing our primary goals. We believe it is the best agreement we can win at this time, and we strongly recommend that you all vote to ratify this contract.
Full details of the agreement will be given at the membership meeting on Monday, June 5th so it is critical that all members attend so they can understand and vote on the full Tentative Agreement. The meetings will be held virtually at 8am and 4:30pm, and both virtually and in person at 8pm. The 8pm meeting will be at the Mount Holly Moose at 853 Woodlane Rd, Mt Holly, NJ 08060 and the virtual meetings will be on Zoom at this link: https://aft.zoom.us/j/93211084476?pwd=dE9GRGdzaVRXN3pwVTR1ajF2ZVdaQT09
A full summary of the agreement will also be sent out to the membership on the evening of June 5th. The voting will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association, and details on voting will be going out before the meeting.
In solidarity,
Your Local 5105 Bargaining Committee